Call for Clinical Cases - 17th ICAR National Congress, Padua May...

ICAR will host a Grand Round Session dedicated to clinical...

Call for Clinical Cases
Don’t miss the opportunity to submit a Clinical Case

We are excited to announce that this year ICAR will host a "Grand Round Session” devoted to Clinical Cases: it will be a unique opportunity for interactive discussion between "experts" and young researchers and to support the exchange of knowledge among the scientific community.

Online submission

You can submit your clinical case using myICAR. If you do not already have an account, you will be required to create one. Once signed in, you should select the "Case Report Form" tab.

Topics for Clinical Cases
  • HIV e STI
  • Viral infections in the immunocompromised host

Please consider that Clinical Cases generally describe an unusual or novel occurrence, which is able to spark the discussion.

Abstract Body

The text should be structured to include the following 4 sections: Background, Case presentation, Discussion and/or Conclusions, reporting the essential information components:

  • Problem presentation
Case Presentation
  • Subjective disease history and personal and family history;
  • Objective data (clinical and observed course up to case description);
  • Assessment (diagnosis, differential diagnosis and comorbidities);
  • Clinical procedures used, also reviewing the diagnostic probability before and after results (initial and subsequent status). Therapy implemented and its rationale
  • Outcome in terms of improved health status, recovery, unexpected complications, side effects; Possible follow-up period and modalities;
Discussion and/or Conclusions
  • Discussion of observations and results
  • Contribution of the case to the knowledge base of the clinical problem
  • Possible proposals and recommendations for practice and research

Each Presenting author can submit only 1 case. Only selected cases will have the authors' names included in the conference program. Time allowed for presentation by the Presenting author: 15 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for discussion with the "Experts" and the audience.

Selection Criteria

A Committee formed by the ICAR Presidents and Governing Board will select two clinical cases from all those received, based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance of the topic
  • Clarity (precision, organization, and structure) of the case
  • Identification of key messages relevant for clinical practice and research
Deadline for Submission: March 17, 2025

Don't miss the opportunity to actively contribute to this important event!
Submit your clinical cases and join us for an engaging and productive interaction.

Promosso da
SIMIT - Società Italiana di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali

e da

INMI, Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS

ISS, Istituto Superiore di Sanità

AMCLI, Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani

SIICA, Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia

SIMaST, Società Interdisciplinare per lo Studio delle Malattie Sessualmente Trasmissibili

SITA, Società Italiana per la Terapia Antinfettiva Antibatterica Antivirale Antifungina

SIV-ISV, Società Italiana di Virologia - Italian Society for Virology

ANLAIDS, Associazione Nazionale per la Lotta contro l’AIDS ETS

ARCIGAY, Associazione LGBTQIA+ Italiana APS


ASA, Associazione Solidarietà AIDS-ODV

C.I.C.A., Coordinamento Italiano delle case alloggio per persone con HIV/AIDS ETS

EpaC, Associazione EpaC ETS

LILA, Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l’AIDS Onlus

Mario Mieli, Circolo Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli APS

Milano Check Point, Associazione Milano Checkpoint ETS

NADIR, Associazione Nadir ETS

NPS Italia, Network Persone Sieropositive APS

PLUS, Rete persone LGBT+ sieropositive APS
