The deadline will not be extended and late-breaking abstracts will not be submitted
We are pleased to announce that also this year accepted abstracts will be published in an indexed BMJ STI Journal (Impact Factor: 3.6 - Citescore: 5.7) and published as a supplement: an important recognition at international level for the entire Italian scientific community.
Acceptance for publication in the BMJ STI Journal is optional and must be confirmed by the submitting author at the time of abstract submission, as per the instructions below.
Accepted abstracts will also be included in the Abstract Book ICAR 2025 and in the Congress Web Repository.
This year it will be possible to submit Clinical Case exclusively through a dedicated Call for Clinical Cases. All submission information is available at this link.
It will therefore not be possible to submit clinical case reports through the abstract form of the Congress. Submitted papers will not be accepted.
The author submitting the abstract is considered the Presenting Author and:
When submitting, the author may choose from the following topics:
The ICAR scientific committee firmly believes that language is a powerful tool in shaping beliefs and influencing behaviours, particularly in the context of addressing the stigma surrounding chronic infections such as HIV and viral hepatitis. We urge conference attendees to prioritize person-centred language and be mindful of how their language and materials align with this principle. To assist in this effort, we recommend the adoption of UNAIDS-endorsed terminology, such as referring to people as “living with HIV” rather than “HIV-infected”. Together, we promote inclusivity and respect for all individuals affected by HIV and other chronic infections.
e da
INMI, Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS
ISS, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
AMCLI, Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani
SIICA, Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia
SIMaST, Società Interdisciplinare per lo Studio delle Malattie Sessualmente Trasmissibili
SITA, Società Italiana per la Terapia Antinfettiva Antibatterica Antivirale Antifungina
SIV-ISV, Società Italiana di Virologia - Italian Society for Virology
ANLAIDS, Associazione Nazionale per la Lotta contro l’AIDS ETS
ARCIGAY, Associazione LGBTQIA+ Italiana APS
ASA, Associazione Solidarietà AIDS-ODV
C.I.C.A., Coordinamento Italiano delle case alloggio per persone con HIV/AIDS ETS
EpaC, Associazione EpaC ETS
LILA, Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l’AIDS Onlus
Mario Mieli, Circolo Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli APS
Milano Check Point, Associazione Milano Checkpoint ETS
NADIR, Associazione Nadir ETS
NPS Italia, Network Persone Sieropositive APS
PLUS, Rete persone LGBT+ sieropositive APS